rewriting rust with coccinelle


suggest better collection given apparent use

Notice an iterator looking into another one If it’s doing things a certain special way Suggest a set impl so O(n) --> O(1)

 /// List FDB entries that are the result of a replication (i.e. on a veth)
 pub async fn list_replicated_macs(rtnl: &Netlink, links: &LinkMap) -> Result<Vec<FdbReplicated>> {
+    let link_macs = links.values().map(|link| link.mac).collect::<HashSet<_>>();
     let neighs = rtnl.get_bridge_neighs().await?;

     let neighs = neighs.into_iter().filter_map(|neigh| {
         // Ensure the neigh has a VLAN (or not, we don't care, it's just to deduplicate the neigh)
         // Ignore MAC if it's the one of an interface itself
-        if links.values().any(|link| link.mac.as_slice() == neigh.mac) {
+        if link_macs.contains(&neigh.mac) {
             return None;
         // Ignore multicast neighbors
         if neigh.is_multicast() {
             return None;

         match links.get(&neigh.ifindex) {
             Some(Link::Veth(veth)) if veth.base.master.is_some() => {
                 Some((veth.base.index, neigh.mac))
             _ => None,

pub async fn list_replicated_macs(rtnl: &Netlink, links: &LinkMap) -> Result<Vec<FdbReplicated>> {
    // +    let link_macs = links.values().map(|link| link.mac).collect::<HashSet<_>>();
    let neighs = rtnl.get_bridge_neighs().await?;

    let neighs = neighs.into_iter().filter_map(|neigh| {
        // Ensure the neigh has a VLAN (or not, we don't care, it's just to deduplicate the neigh)
        // Ignore MAC if it's the one of an interface itself
        if links.values().any(|link| link.mac.as_slice() == neigh.mac) {
            // +        if link_macs.contains(&neigh.mac) {
            return None;
        // Ignore multicast neighbors
        if neigh.is_multicast() {
            return None;

        match links.get(&neigh.ifindex) {
            Some(Link::Veth(veth)) if veth.base.master.is_some() => {
                Some((veth.base.index, neigh.mac))
            _ => None,


Attempt #1

identifier c;
expression a, b, d;

-    let a = b;
+    let a = b.iter().collect::<::std::collections::HashSet<_>>();


     for c in d {

-        if a.any(|x| x == c) {
+        if a.contains(&c) {


Attempt #2

cargo run --locked --frozen --offline --release -- --coccifile should_be_using_hashset.cocci src/
./target/release/cfr --coccifile should_be_using_hashset.cocci src/
identifier xs, x, c;
expression items;
Iterator it;

     let xs =
-             items;
+             items.iter().collect::<HashSet<_>>();


     it.filter_map(|x| {

         if xs.
-              any(|c| c == x)
+              contains(&x)


fn collecting_needlessly() {
    use std::collections::HashMap;

    let hmap = HashMap::from([('a', 42)]);
    for item in hmap.keys().copied().collect::<Vec<_>>() { // <--
        let _ = item;
// cargo run --locked --frozen --offline --release -- --no-parallel --coccifile src/tests/needless_collect.cocci src/tests/

Iterator it;
identifier x;

     for x in it
-                 .copied().collect::<Vec<_>>()