Boosting phytoplankton growth as a carbon sequestration method

How to…

biggest carbon sequestration = ocean => plankton

Ocean fertilization

plankton captures 37Gt CO2/year, helped by iron from whales’ feces vertical movements between the sunlit surface and the Deep

whale stats from IMF article


Some papers say this seems balanceable:

DAC ~ Direct Air Capture –> store in water

iron / rust powder

It is estimated that about one-seventh of all iron production goes to replace the metal lost to corrosion


aerosol planes / zeppelins

A seed sowing device known as the "Seed Fiddle" due to the manner in which it was operated

How about: reserving a fraction of the volume of the largest tankers (think EVERGREEN) as fertilizer storage that automatically dissolves along today’s maritime routes

floating feeders

How about growing spirulina? => 10-20USD/kg

At sea? Plankton should grow as a byproduct.

offshore solar photovoltaics

yes of course XPRIZE

=> $50M if 1Gt/day

Judges in the competition will evaluate the teams based upon four basic criteria:

  • A working carbon removal prototype that can be rigorously validated and capable of removing at least 1 ton per day.
  • The team’s ability to demonstrate to the judges that their solution can economically scale to the gigaton level.
  • The main metric for this competition is fully considered cost per ton, inclusive of whatever considerations are necessary for environmental benefit, permanence, any value-added products; and
  • The final criteria is the length of time that the removed carbon is locked up for. A minimum goal of 100 years is desired.

How do we save this spaceship?


Ajouter du fer dans la mer permet-il de réduire l’effet de serre ? –> Basically: risky endeavor, benefits unclear, requires more data
