A simple framework for universal tools

I have discussed on this blog the interesting property of Docker BuildKit: a portable shell executor that can even run remotely, similarly to the serverless buzzword^Wthing.

However there’s an issue that’s been bugging me. I want developer tools based on docker build such as a file formatter or protoc a Protocol Buffers compiler (have a look here on this specific subject) or anything else really, especially if the tool would run faster on a bigger machine with large caching!

The Docker build command as is requires some more code around just to pipe files into and out of the build, through the right tool and to the right filesystem places.

Anyhow, the command accepts a TAR-ed Dockerfile and context on STDIN and can output a TAR on STDOUT. So, I wrote some code that’s strict on its inputs.

Be very strict on what inputs your programs accept, this will give you a stable basis to build on and more freedom of movement.

lib: github.com/fenollp/fmtd/buildx

See for yourself over here, but here’s the meat of it:

	// ...

	tw := tar.NewWriter(&stdin)
		hdr := &tar.Header{
			Name: "Dockerfile",
			Mode: 0200,
			Size: int64(len(dockerfile)),
		if err := tw.WriteHeader(hdr); err != nil {
			return err
		if _, err := tw.Write(dockerfile); err != nil {
			return err
	for _, ifile := range o.ifiles {
		// ...
	if err := tw.Close(); err != nil {
		return err

	o.args = append(o.args, "-")
	cmd := exec.CommandContext(o.ctx, o.exe, o.args...)
	cmd.Env = append(o.env, "DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1")
	cmd.Stdin = &stdin
	var tarbuf bytes.Buffer
	cmd.Stdout = &tarbuf
	cmd.Stderr = o.stderr
	if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
		return err

	tr := tar.NewReader(&tarbuf)
	for {
		hdr, err := tr.Next()
		if err == io.EOF {
			break // End of archive
		if err != nil {
			return err
		// ...

	// ...

It creates a tar archive with Dockerfile and context, then passes it to an os/exec command instance and finally reads the tar archive being outputted on that command’s stdout slot. Nothing fancy, really most of the code here is to try to give a nice composable API on top of fingers-crossed strict enough input handling.

Oh and I tried relying on the Go Docker client but could not make it support the DOCKER_HOST env so this relies on the docker command… please send help.

Example: fmtd ~ universal formatter

This is a tiny program that uses the above library and reformats various files: Go, C++, Protobuf, JSON, SQL and more.

Install with: (yes, it installs with Docker then runs with Docker, dawg!)

docker build -o=/usr/local/bin/ https://github.com/fenollp/fmtd.git#main

Run with

λ fmtd setup*

Here’s an alias to reformat Git tracked and cached files:

gfmt() {
    while read -r f; do
        fmtd "$f"
    done < <(git status --short --porcelain -- . | \grep '^. ' | \grep -Eo '[^ ]+$')

Next I’ll publish a protoc tool using this technique.

Hermetic versioning and a networked cache should make for a simplest-to-install and fast protobuf compiler.